UK 2 Year Working Holiday Visa Available To All 18 to 35 Year Old Canadian Health Professionals

28 November 2023  •  Working Abroad
UK 2 Year Working Holiday Visa Available To All 18 to 35 Year Old Canadian Health Professionals

The United Kingdom has opened its doors wider to young Canadian health professionals through an expanded Working Holiday Visa program. This program now offers those aged 18 to 30 (18 to 35 from 31 January 2024) the opportunity to work and travel across the UK for up to two years. This is an exciting development for young Canadian healthcare workers who are looking to expand their horizons, gain international work experience, earn a living through locum work and enjoy the cultural richness of the UK.

What is the UK Working Holiday Visa?

The UK Working Holiday Visa, also known as the Youth Mobility Scheme, is a cultural exchange program allowing young people from participating countries to live and work in the UK for up to two years. Initially, the scheme was open to a handful of countries, with restrictions on types of work and durations varying. However, this recent expansion to include all Canadian health professionals in the 18-35 age bracket marks a significant broadening of the program.

Eligibility and Application Process

Eligibility for the UK Working Holiday Visa under the new expansion includes Canadian citizens who work within the healthcare sector. This incorporates a wide range of professions such as nurses, doctors, paramedics, and several allied health professionals. Applicants must be between 18 and 35 years old at the time of application and must hold a Canadian passport.

Application Requirements

To apply for the visa, candidates must meet certain criteria beyond their profession. They must:

  • Provide proof of funds (at least £2,530 in your bank account) to support themselves upon arrival in the UK.
  • Have a valid passport or other document that shows your identity and nationality.

Prospective applicants should visit the official UK government website to get the most current information on visa requirements and application procedures.

Benefits of the Working Holiday Visa

There are plenty of benefits associated with undertaking a working holiday visa in the UK. Not only is it good for your career, but it’s a unique opportunity to explore the world on your terms. Let’s delve into some of the key benefits you can enjoy with a working holiday visa:

Professional Development

The opportunity to work in a different healthcare system is invaluable. Canadian health professionals can learn new practices, experience diverse healthcare settings, and acquire unique skills that will distinguish them within their fields upon their return to Canada. Additionally, this experience can foster international networks and open doors to future career opportunities.

Cultural Exchange

Living in the UK offers an enriching cultural experience. Canadians can immerse themselves in British culture, from its vibrant cities to its picturesque countryside. This exposure not only broadens one’s perspectives but also enhances personal growth and adaptability - qualities that are highly beneficial in the healthcare sector.

Travel Opportunities

The UK serves as an excellent starting point for travel across Great Britain and mainland Europe. Those on a working holiday can take advantage of their time off to explore surrounding nations, which is a particularly appealing aspect of the visa program for those with a love for travel.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Working Holiday

To fully capitalise on the two-year visa, it’s wise to have a plan. An excellent resource to help start planning is our UK locum working holiday toolkit which provides you with all the essential information you need to know. Beyond this, try to research where in the UK you would like to work, what kind of healthcare setting suits you best, and any particular experiences you wish to gain. Also, consider whether you want to travel continuously or establish a base in one area and take shorter trips.

Work Experience

Healthcare professionals should look to secure positions that will provide them with the most benefits. This might include roles in renowned hospitals, clinics in areas with a particular health focus, or positions that offer training in specific areas of interest.

To find job opportunities, using a specialised locum agency for those who work in healthcare is an invaluable asset. To get a good idea of what’s out there, take a look at the latest vacancies at Globe Locums to find opportunities that can help you develop your career.


Building a professional network during your stay is crucial. Attend healthcare conferences, join professional organisations, and connect with colleagues. These relationships can lead to collaborations, job opportunities, and a broader understanding of global healthcare practices.

Cultural Integration

Immerse yourself in the local community by participating in social activities, volunteer work, or local events. This integration will enrich your cultural experience and may also have the added benefit of enhancing your CV.

Preparing for Your Journey

The prospect of working abroad is incredibly exciting, but it’s important that you spend some time adequately preparing for your journey. To help with this, take a look at our tips below:

Documentation and Legalities

Ensure all your documentation is in order well before your intended departure date. This includes your visa, passport, professional licenses, and any additional paperwork that may be required by the UK health sector.

Accommodation and Living Arrangements

Plan where you will live. Options range from shared accommodations with other professionals to solo living arrangements. Websites and agencies are available to help with finding suitable housing, but be sure to consider your budget and location preferences in relation to your workplace.

Financial Planning

Although the visa requires proof of funds for initial support, living in the UK can be expensive. It’s important to create a budget that includes potential travel, living expenses, and savings. Be sure to also investigate the cost of living in different areas of the UK as it can vary significantly.

Broaden Your Horizons With a Working Holiday Visa in the UK

The UK's Working Holiday Visa is a unique and valuable opportunity for those looking to advance their careers, experience new cultures, and indulge in travel. With proper preparation and an open mind, the benefits of such an experience can be monumental both professionally and personally. It is an invitation to Canadian healthcare workers to step out of their comfort zones, expand their professional landscapes, and create unforgettable memories in one of the world’s most dynamic environments.

If you’re interested in seeing what the UK has to offer in terms of job opportunities, browse our latest vacancies at Globe Locums today.

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