Learn how to work while travelling the world

16 May 2022  •  Working Abroad
Learn how to work while travelling the world

For many, exploring the world while making a living is an alluring opportunity. In addition to experiencing new cultures, there are many benefits to working abroad. This article covers how to work while travelling and tips on how to find locum jobs overseas.

Tips on how to work while travelling

The first thing to remember is that travelling for work can be incredibly rewarding. And, if you go into it with a positive attitude, it will be much more enjoyable (and less stressful) than if you have doubts from the get-go. Here are some ideas for how to work while travelling:

Invest in the right tech accessories

If you're travelling for business, it's essential to invest in good tech accessories to stay productive. You'll want an external battery pack that can recharge your phone as many times as possible without taking up much space. A tablet or e-reader is also great if you want to read or watch something on the plane. And don't forget headphones: they'll help drown out any unwanted noise and keep you focused on your work.

Choose a destination that suits your work style

If you're going to work while on vacation, make sure you choose your destination based on your preference for how you like to work. Maybe you like the hustle and bustle of big cities, or you prefer small towns where you can get more down-to-earth experiences.

Book a hotel with Wi-Fi

Most hotels offer free Wi-Fi as a standard amenity, so it shouldn't be an issue. However, if you're going the boutique route, read reviews to see the hotel's internet situation before making a reservation. Ensure you pick one with reliable connections so that you don't waste time waiting for pages to load or for your email to send.

Keep distractions away

It's easy to distract yourself by going on Instagram and other social media sites, but you must keep all distractions at bay if you have deadlines coming up and important work to do while travelling. You can also use an app like Cold Turkey for Windows or SelfControl for Mac to block sites like Facebook and Instagram for a set amount of time – say, an hour – while working. Banishing distractions from your mind is crucial to achieving any productivity while travelling.

Keep track of your expenses

Many people lose track of their spending when they travel. However, if your job requires keeping up with receipts, be sure to get organised and label them accordingly so you can file them all easily when you get back home. This way, if there is any question about what was purchased or why it was purchased, it'll be easy to answer for them.

How to find locum jobs when you're travelling abroad

Are you travelling abroad and looking for a way to supplement your income? Locum jobs are a great way to make extra cash while exploring the world. But there are a few things you'll need to do to find such jobs and make the most of them.

Make sure your CV is updated and clear

The first step to finding locum jobs is to make sure your CV is updated and clear. You may also want to apply for additional certifications or documents required for some positions. For example, you might want to apply for a license in the country where you hope to conduct locum work.

Research the locum jobs marketplace

You'll find many different websites and that focus on finding you a job as a locum. You could look at websites like Globe Locums. It has a lot of information about what it means to be a locum, which jobs are available, and how much you can expect to earn.

Contact a trustworthy locum recruitment agency

Another great place to look is with reputable healthcare recruitment agencies. They can help you search through many existing roles in countries throughout Europe and provide valuable advice. If you already have a few trusted agencies back home, reach out and let them know you'll be travelling. They may also be able to help!

Think about the location of your job

The placement agencies will have plenty of jobs available, but not all of them will be in your desired location. You can search for jobs in the area you want to work or narrow it down by searching for jobs in different countries. Some great resources for this are Globe Locums and similar sites that focus on specific areas of the world, including Europe and Australia. They can help you figure out where you want to go and locate the top agencies in that area.

What kind of work do you want to do?

Another thing to consider is what kind of work you want to do while away. Are there any specialities that pop into your head? Do you want to work in emergency medicine or family practice? It’s important to know what you want because those parameters will help narrow down your options. If all you care about is finding any job, that's a lot easier, but chances are it won't pay as much.

Globe Locums is an international locum recruitment agency which connects medical professionals with exciting opportunities around the world. Find a job through our site now!

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